Health and Beauty in the time of COVID-19

The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions, haven’t they? I really can’t remember a time with so many ups and downs for all of us- all over the world. From alternately being nervous and terrified about this virus to concerned about our business to laughing hysterically at the memes and Tik Toks forwarded to me every few minutes, I can’t get a handle on my emotions at times.
Every week feels different and unpredictable. This past week has felt a little more ominous, as nearly everyone was at their wit's end any minute. The first week, everything was kind of new—we were mostly working from home, contained inside our little worlds with our loved ones, almost like a slumber party. Plus, the news was bad, but still not that bad. Now, reality is sinking in. The news is getting worse, and, after two full weeks of exactly zero revenue for most of us small business owners, and unemployment at a record high, reality is creeping in. Folks are starting to snap at one another on conference calls and huddles at work. Patience is wearing thin. And it’s only week three!
But every now and then I get a moment of clarity and I refocus my attention to how blessed I really am. Over the last few days I’ve been taking notes on the things that happened that draws me back to this feeling, and I’d like to share them. I’d also love for all of you to share with us the things that make you feel happy and blessed during these turbulent times. Share them with us on social media- FB or IG… we’re in this together!
- Take a deep breath and recognize that we’re going to get through this. Better U Skin & Body Care MedSpa is made up of a small group of investors, and it’s easy to get freaked out over what’s going on. Our businesses are our livelihoods, and many of us have spent years building them. And all of it can be taken away by a virus? It’s kind of mindboggling, really. But here’s the thing—we’re going to be okay. We’re starting to see the Peak of this, and hopefully all the Shelter in Place and social distancing initiatives will hopefully bend this curve. Just last week, our friends in Washington, D.C., managed to pass a stimulus bill that will provide much relief to all of us. The preliminary language of this bill is encouraging—all small businesses will be entitled to funds to cover payroll and rent, at a minimum. Income based stimulus checks are being sent out to qualified individuals, famllies and children. That will be a huge relief, as it will allow us to stay in business and pay our people. Taking that burden off of all our minds will be a huge relief and will allow all of us to focus on the good things that are going on around us.
- Be understanding and Kind towards others. Look, we’re all in this together. None of us are making any money- unless you're in the frontlines, working almost 24-7 in a very HIgh Risk environment. We are all feeling the pain right now. So, let’s all give each other a break and be kind to one another. Be gracious, be patient and recognize that the person who owes you money is in the same situation, as stressed and as worried about the future as you are. If we take a moment and just breathe, and recognize that we’re all in this together, it’ll make you feel better. I promise. And I should note that I’ve seen nothing but graciousness to this point—every company I’ve dealt with is working with everyone else to get through this. Even the credit card companies! Keep it up, and don’t be the first one to be a di*k.
- Stay Healthy, Plan and organize. Studies have shown that most stress is directly related to a feeling of lack of control. We fear what we don’t know. And in these times, we don’t know anything, so the stress and fear is at an all-time high. But science also shows that if you make a plan and do what you can to get organized, you’ll feel as if you’re getting things under control, even as the outside world continues to spin uncontrollably. So, make a plan for your health and well being- take your daily vitamins, supplement with IV vitamins and antioxidants such as Glutathione, Vitamin C and B-complex which we offer by appointment. We also have AT HOME Facial kits that we can ship directly to your door. Our licensed estheticians and mid level providers (NPs) are available via Tele conference to assist you with your at-home needs. Plan and organize your personal life, even your day, most especially your finances. Make a list of things you can cut and things you can’t. The process of going through your finances will make you feel better, and it will inform you of things that you’re spending money on that you don’t really need.
- Communicate. Seriously, call someone. Anyone. There are tons of people you can call—coworkers, family, friends, enemies… frenemies, even. Ask them how they’re doing, over the phone. We have such a digital society that it’s easy to fall into the habit of communicating by email or text. But hearing other peoples’ actual voices can be refreshing. To take this a step further, have video meetings or Facetime/Zoom/Skype/Viber/What'sApp with your loved ones and Friends/Co-workers. Seeing other people, even from a distance, helps. Science says that humans need interaction with other humans, so it’s worth the effort to make that connection.
- Focus on the good that is happening. It’s difficult to do, but the best thing to do is turn off the stupid news. Check in to get informed, but the bulk of your day can’t be spent following the bad news of the day, or you’re likely to start tearing your hair out. Right now, the news is bad. Count on it. But you know what? There are also some really amazing, inspiring, selfless things that people are doing out there. Social media is now focusing on positivity and sharing positive and inspiring thoughts and moments. And you know what? Negativity can really eat you, worse than a bad virus. It’s not just bad for you—it’s bad for everyone, and there’s always someone worse off than you. So instead of dwelling on the bad, focus on the good things and what you can do for everyone else. All it takes is a little switch and your mood changes, which changes your outlook, which changes your focus, which puts you in a better mood, leading to a Better U!
None of this is easy. None of us have ever dealt with anything like this before—not even close. And there will be tough times ahead. But if you focus, plan and, most importantly, be nice to one another, it’ll make things easier for everyone else. We’ll get through this. We’re all in this together! God is still in control and this too shall pass...
(Medical Spa Insider, A. Thiersch, 2020)
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